Young Kindergarten Application - Wait List

Young Kindergarten Application - Wait List


The Young Kindergarten (YK) program is designed for students who have had previous preschool experience. This structured classroom focuses on skills in preparation for kindergarten. The curriculum places an emphasis on math and literacy concepts. We also focus on social-emotional growth, fostering independence, and bolstering self confidence. The YK program allows for flexibility without the stress and rigorous pace of a typical kindergarten classroom. This class is ideal for students with late birthdays or for those who may need an extra year before entering kindergarten.

As of 12/19/24, the Young Kindergarten program for the 25-26 school year has reached capacity and is expected to be full. Families applying hereafter will be placed on our wait list.

Students must be 4.5 by September 30 to enroll in YK. This class runs Sept-June.

Teacher: Mrs. Woods

Tuition: $3980 (includes tuition, all supplies, field trips & special events)


  • 8:45-11:35a Mon-Fri mornings

The YK class has:

  • 15 students

  • 1 teacher & 1 assistant teacher

This class is not cooperative and does not require family helpers.

This application fee is non-refundable and does not count towards tuition.

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Application Process & Tuition Timeline

December 4, 2024 - Applications Open
All interested students are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Families of current students, former students & members of First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford will be prioritized for admission during an initial period. Application submissions will be timestamped for further prioritization. Application fee for all classes is $70.

December 18, 2024 - Priority Admission Closes
Applications submitted after this date will be evaluated for rolling admission regardless of the family’s relationship with the school.

December 20, 2024 - Priority Admissions Decisions
Families of current students, former students & members of First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford who applied by December 18 will have admissions decisions by this date.

January-April, 2025 - Rolling Admissions Decisions
Additional admissions decisions will be shared with families on a rolling basis based on timestamp of submission. As classes fill we will develop a waitlist. If classes are not full at the end of April we will continue rolling admission. See for updated class availability.

May 15, 2025 - Tuition Deposit Due
Your child’s space in the class is secured with this non-refundable deposit.

August 15, 2025 - Fall Semester Tuition Balance Due
The balance of your child’s fall semester tuition is due by this date.

November 30, 2025 - Spring Semester Tuition Due
Your child’s spring semester tuition is due by this date.

Parent Involvement

In the 4s class parents will be invited by the teacher to help out at various times throughout the year.

Billing Policies

Parents will receive a bill for tuition. A 10% late fee will be charged on the tuition balance due if the tuition payment is not received by the due date indicated. If the tuition bill is not paid within two weeks of the due date, the parents may be asked to withdraw their child from the school, at the discretion of the Board of Managers. A $25 processing fee will be charged for any tuition, application fee, or other check made out to Pittsford Nursery School returned for insufficient funds.

Immunization Requirement

New York State Law requires proof of immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, rubella, measles, mumps, HIB, Hepatitis B, polio and chicken pox; this must be provided before the first day of school.

Special Needs

Parents must inform the school about any special needs (medical, behavioral, Early Intervention, etc.) of their child.

Class Configuration

Class configuration shall be determined by the teachers, director and the Board of Managers. Pittsford Nursery School considers factors such as student ratio (boy/girl mix), birth dates, tuition plans, previous preschool experience, and schedule. We will reach out to you if we think a class besides the one you applied for would be a better fit for your child.


Enrollment is for the entire school year. If you withdraw for the second semester, we will attempt to fill your vacant spot. Tuition and any other associated fees will be automatically refunded or prorated only if a student’s withdrawal is based upon written doctor’s orders, is at the request of the school, or is due to a family’s relocation, as specified in the Pittsford Nursery School Policy. The application fee is never refundable. The Board of Directors, after consultation with the teacher and parent, may require the withdrawal of a child if the parents fail to comply with terms of the registration, the school’s policies, if the behavior/health of the child is detrimental, or if the child is unable to function within the framework of the school’s program.